Milk Tindallization Technology
At present time consumers more and more give preference to ecologically clean food products, which during the production process undergo minimal thermal influence but still would have high level of micro biological safety. In some sense these requirements are in obvious contradiction. Exactly these contradictions have predetermined the existence of two worldwide known technological methods of milk heat processing.
1. Milk pasteurization
2. Milk sterilization
Each of these methods has its own principle advantages and drawbacks.
Pasteurization, in contrast to sterilization, ensures keeping maximal nutrient milk density, leaving it “alive”, but the microbiological stability of such milk is low. Whereas the period of storage of sterilized milk in contrast to pasteurized milk is essentially longer, but taste qualities are considerably lower.
With the purpose of increasing milk products microbiological safety and keeping their nutrient density at the same time, we have created a new technological method of milk processing in which the above drawbacks of the methods are minimized but the advantages are strengthened.
As the basis of the new technology is the principle of mechanical and thermal processing called tindallization principle, but with some modification of methods and means of its execution.
The basic principles of new technology are:
1. Tindallization is carried out directly in the consumer’s package, which not only dramatically improves the bacteriological safety of products by means of the exclusion of second and third contamination (exclusion of the following sources of infection: production equipment and staff), but also removes the necessity to purchase expensive equipment for milk aseptic fill.
2. Mechanical and cavitation milk processing during its tindallization with special rotary and pulsation apparatus (by our own production) is the technological factor, which not only predetermines the high efficiencyof milk thermal processing at the temperature not higher than 68-75 ºC, but also increases the range of natural milk flavor, not allowing the milk to acquire tastes typical for existing technologies of pasteurization, re-pasteurization or sterilization. The developed methods and techniques of the execution of milk tindallization secure its technological, technical and economic applicability in industrial environment. The developed method of milk processing is universal and can be applied in thermal decontamination technologies and in other liquid, paste-like homogeneous and heterogeneous food products.
Positive decision was made regarding the receipt of the patent for this technology according to PCT international system (patenting countries: the USA, Canada, countries in Europe and Asia).
This technology has been used during several years at private enterprises of ZelyonyeListya Holding Company such as: Hankayskaya Dolina LLC (Spassk-Dalniy town) and Molochnie Producti LLC (Khorol village, Primorsky Territory).